The Miller Ridge Homeowners Association -
Fourth Quarter Executive Board Meeting
The Next Miller Ridge Homeowners Association Meeting
Is Scheduled For:
October 8, 2024
7:30 PM
At the home of Mark Campbell (4952 S Miller Ct.)
All quarterly Executive Board HOA meetings are held on the 2nd
Tuesday of the quarter at 7:30 PM unless otherwise stated.
The location will be determined at the previous meeting and posted
here. Cancellations and postponed meetings will be announced
here as well.
Block 1
There are 2 HOA Executive Board positions up for election this year (Mark Campbell,
and Scott Harbaugh). A nomination form is included with this Newsletter.
(Click here for nomination form.)
We are looking for homeowners that are willing to serve on the HOA Executive Board
(two-year commitment). Please fill in your name or any other homeowner that is
interested in serving on the Board for these two positions.
The nomination form is due back on
August 10, 2024.
Nomination forms can be, mailed, emailed, or handed to any board member on or before
August 10, 2024. Ballot forms will be created from the nominations received. The election
ballots will be emailed out August 12th and need to be returned or presented to a current
Board member by at the Ice cream social
August 25, 2024, at 6:30 pm.
Ice Cream Social
The Ice Cream Social will be held on
August 25th at 6:30 PM, on the south commons by the mailbox. The
Miller Ridge HOA will provide, ice cream sandwiches, pop sickles, and water. Please check our website
for more information or for an alternate date if weather becomes a problem. Bring your lawn chairs and
plan on spending time with your neighbors for a nice evening!
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Block 3
Submit Your Home Improvements
Don’t forget, all external property changes and home improvements
MUST be pre-approved prior to having work done.
This includes the repainting of your home if the color is to change or changes to the roof material, design of
shingles or color your home will be roofed with. It also applies to any landscape changes / exterior property
changes too. Please be aware; without proper approvals, the homeowner may be held liable for costs to bring the
home to HOA standards. By summitting and having your project pre-approved, you’ll be protected from this happening
to you. The Architectural Committee will address all submissions within 30-days and most times much quicker than
that. All submissions must be mailed (via the US postal system) to the HOA for time stamp purposes. |
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Got Hail Damage
If you got damage from hail storms this spring, you do not need to submit an architectural submission
form, as long as you are not changing the color of your house, trim, and shingles. If you are changing the
color, a form will need to be submitted.
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Stay Tuned For Future Events
Ice Cream Social
Jack-O-Lantern display competition
Holiday lights/decoration competition
Future newsletters will have more
information on these events. So, get
those creative juices flowing. |
Back to School
As you all know, school will be starting up very soon and with that, there will be more foot traffic in the
neighborhood. So as usual, keep it slow through the hood and watch for kids crossing the street.
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HOA Website and Calendar
For the most recent and up to date information, please continue to view the website and calendars for
information. As always, you can contact any member of the HOA Board with questions (see contact
information below).
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Aaron Lott |
Vice President
John Olson
Mark Campbell
Melanie Ferguson
Scott Harbaugh |
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